Living a mission is possible by taking action

Egle Blekaityte (Action You)

Conscious business and FLOW consultant ◦ Mentor ◦ NOW BE YOU project manager

I’m a passionate soulpreneur, conscious business and personal branding consultant and a co-founder of NOW BE YOU movement together with my sisters. I’m the one “behind the scenes” having organized 50+ PROFITABLE (!) retreats from the forests in Lithuania to the stunning energy vortex of Ibiza island, from Mayan ceremonies in Guatemala to temples in India, also I have a track record of launching over 40 online programs, helping to generate six-figures. I take care of creating and carefully planning every detail it takes to run transformational experiences for thousands of people around the globe. Early in my career I had a dream to become a brand manager for an international company. In fact, I’ve done that just to understand that I was missing the purpose of trying to use old-world marketing ideas and trying to sell more and more products to those who might not necessarily need it. I’ve lacked purpose in my daily job. At the same time I’ve already been on a path of personal growth journey, diving deep into connecting with higher purpose for all of us here. I knew I could use my skills of running multiple global events and brands to help people “package” their soul’s mission and transform the lives of others. I’ve started following my calling and helping brands that change the world. During the years I’ve connected with a global network, moved to live in one of the most vibrant and diverse communities on the island of Ibiza. I’ve also trained with Entrepreneurs’ Institute, attended business accelerator in Bali and was mentored personally by Roger Hamilton. I’ve also became certified FLOW consultant working with Talent Dynamics test to help you focus on natural strengths and create flow in your business with the right team. I’m a proud ambassador of global giving initiative B1G1 (buy1give1) having organized conferences with entrepreneurs and futurists Paul Dunn and Masami Sato encouraging businesses to create businesses on purpose.

Since I was born, I’ve been driven by sincere desire to make the world a better place by raising awareness, facilitating transformational experiences and helping to promote conscious projects.

So if you’ve been lacking purpose in what you do or know that you could be serving many more people – let’s talk!

What we can work on together:

  • how to turn your passion and calling into your main  business and create products and services around
  • how to "transfer" your talent to online platforms and create programs on platforms like Thinkific, teachable, etc. so that you keep up to date with your clients' needs and technological solutions to make things easier and also to create new streams of income for you
  • how to understand your core talents and key team members for your business to be successful
  • how to transform your business so that it becomes not only profit generator but also a generator of good:) 

Egle's persona:

Talent Dyanmics: creator
Element: fire


Creating conscious business
Creating online products
Giving culture integration


+370 616 04532

NOW BE YOU projects:

Mentorship "Women of IMPACT" 

Retreats, events and conferences


There's a place under the sun for everyone

Feeling it's time to take ACTION? connect with me

personal consultations and mentoring for entrepreneurs


90 min ZOOM CALL

FLOW consultation

After taking Talent Dynamics test (which is taken individually online, test value 97 USD), we will go over the results and see how they can be implemented in your life.

188 Eur



Strategy session


Need clarity on your activities and how can you maximize your profit by creating purpose driven products and services? Want to get some creative juice in the process?

288 Eur


3 monthS plan

Personal mentorship

For those looking for mentor and hands-on team member to work on your idea development and implementation. During this time we will clarify your vision, strategy and implement actions by meeting weekly PLUS I'll invest my time to help you with implementation.

2888 Eur


60 min ZOOM call

FLOW consultation

The FLOW process will consist of two parts.

After registering you will receive a code for Talent Dynamics/Wealth Dynamics test. You can read about this tool more here:

After receiving test results we will arrange the best time for the zoom call and go into details on not only HOW to read the results but how to implement the learnings to improve your own personal FLOW and use of your natural talents daily.

This test is one of the most innovative personality tests on the market created based on theories of Carl Jung, philosophy of Daoism and research results of millions of entrepreneurs around the globe studied by a futurist, entrepreneur and world-class mentor Roger James Hamilton.

When is it helpful to complete this test:

- if you are thinking of changing your career

- if you want more effective work in your team or planning to bring on new team members (I'll help you understand what kind of profiles you exactly need)

- if you are looking for answers in your daily struggles and procrastination

- if you want to understand better yourself and your gifts and talents

Not sure if this consultation is for you? Book your 15 min. discovery call or email me at


90 min.




on agreed time   


188 Eur      



Strategy session

This is the best option IF:

- you feel stuck in your business and don't know what's the best next step

- you want to create new streams of income but don't know how

- you have self-realization or business related questions and thinking how to matter more and live your legacy every day.

After registering for strategy session you will receive a questionnaire that will already help you to bring a lot more clarity in your life and business.

In the strategy session we will:

REVIEW: your current situation, questions and challenges.

RENEW: bring back the bigger picture into your strategy and action plan and find creative solutions in your situations. 

REFOCUS: you will leave with clear action steps and motivation to implement them.

Not sure if this consultation is for you? Book your 15 min. discovery call or email me at


2 Hrs.




on agreed time


288 Eur


3 monthS mentorship

Personal mentorship

Based on your needs after reviewing your current state and your needs we will define main outcome for this mentorship.

We will have 12 sessions (meeting every week for 1.5-2 hour workshops) where we will go from bigger picture of your vision, life's legacy to strategy and action points to implement it.

I'll be also working "hands on" in your business sharing resources, connecting to people, helping you to improve your products, implement new tools, launch new online program or create the retreat you've always wanted!

Jump on a discovery call and let's see if this option is what you are looking for!


3 months




every week on agreed time   


2888 Eur

Egle spent 2 months with our team and led us through a process of creating online products. She showed us a clear pathway, shared all her know-how and most importantly believed in us when we had doubts. Egle is not a mentor who just tells you what to do, she gets involved in the process "hands on". Egle created a full infrastructure for our online products. Today we are more than ready to launch our high-level online mentoring.

Laura gerrits-gedvilė, the holistic enterprise CEO

Not sure about the choice?

Register for a FREE 15 min. discovery call

consiousness TRAINING